A Private Physiotherapy clinic in Maidenhead.
can I be treated?
- Face to face
- Video appointment
- Telephone appointment
- Home visits
What can be treated?
- Spinal problems - stiff or painful back or neck, arthritis, degenerative changes, sciatica, postural problems and referred arm and leg pains
- Joint problems - arthritis, injury, pain and swelling, stiffness in joints
- Injuries
- to muscles, ligaments, cartilage and tendons. Work related conditions
such as repetitive strain injury (RSI)
- Sports injuries
- After surgery - rehabilitation after orthopaedic surgery eg. hip and knee replacements or general physiotherapy after general surgery
- Fractures - treatment to promote full function as the bones heal
- Women's health conditions - including stress incontinence, ante and post-natal exercise and treatment for pelvic girdle pain or backpain during pregnancy
- Paediatrics - for children's sports injuries or musculo-skeletal problems
- Older people - help with general deconditioning or for improving balance, exercise tolerance, strength and fitness